Don't Waste Your Time Watching Sports

30 Jun 2024

I've never watched sports.

Not because I don’t get the appeal, but because watching sports = not living your own damn life.

This email might piss some people off, but I don’t care. I've stayed silent for too long.

When you’re glued to the screen, cheering for someone else’s victory, you’re not the one scoring goals.

You’re just a spectator in the arena of life. And that’s where the problem lies.

It’s not just sports.

Reality TV, celebrity gossip, political dramas—it’s all the same.

Each one is a distraction, keeping you from living your own story. Sure, they comfort you, but at what cost?

Every hour spent on someone else’s life is an hour not spent on your own growth, your own goals. Enjoying these activities in moderation is fine, but it's important to ensure they don't overshadow your personal development.

You think watching sports is your thing? It’s not your victory you’re cheering for. It's a false sense of achievement, giving you the illusion of being part of something bigger.

But you’re not.

You’re still on your couch, unchanged, while others are out there making things happen.

It’s not your drama, not your excitement. It’s someone else’s, and you’re just along for the ride.

When you invest your time and energy in being a spectator, you're missing out on real opportunities to engage with your life.

The Illusion of Achievement

Ever wondered why watching sports or binge-watching TV shows feels so damn satisfying? It's not just because they're entertaining.

When you watch an exciting moment on TV, your brain releases dopamine, the feel-good chemical. It's the same chemical that floods your brain when you achieve something significant in real life. It tricks your brain into feeling like you've accomplished something, even though you've just been sitting on your couch.

The problem is, the dopamine release from watching sports or reality TV is a quick fix, and it’s superficial.

A study from the National Institutes of Health found that the brain activity of sports fans watching their team win mirrored the same pleasure centers activated by personal achievements.

So, you're essentially getting high on someone else's success.

This can create a dependency similar to addiction. You become hooked on the drama, the excitement, the highs and lows of a game or a show.

Think about it. Ever met someone who lives and breathes their favorite TV show or sports team? They can recount every episode or game, but ask them about their own achievements—and you get crickets.

When you're constantly seeking these quick fixes, you’re less motivated to pursue your own goals.

You're stuck in a cycle of spectatorship, always watching, never doing. And this isn't just my opinion—studies back it up.

Your Sports Allegiance is Just a Roll of the Dice

Your loyalty to a team or a celebrity isn’t born out of some cosmic destiny—it’s just pure chance.

If your parents had met at a different bar, party, or trip, you might have been born in a completely different place, cheering for a different team.

Your allegiances are based on arbitrary factors like birthplace or family tradition.

You might feel a deep connection to your team, but in reality, it’s just a product of where you happened to grow up.

Hey listen. I get it. It’s not your fault.

This phenomenon isn’t new. Throughout history, people have used entertainment as a tool to distract the masses.

Take Roman gladiator games, for instance. They were a means to divert public attention from actual issues.

The term "bread and circuses" describes this strategy pretty well: keep people fed and entertained, and they won't question the obvious.

Fast forward to today, and you see the same strategy at play.

Major sports events, reality TV shows, and even blockbuster movies keep us occupied, so we don’t focus on what truly matters.

But by immersing yourself in these spectacles, you lose sight of the bigger picture. It’s a convenient escape, but it’s also a trap.

When you understand that your die-hard fandom is circumstantial and strategically placed to keep you distracted, you begin to see the value in reclaiming your time.

Start questioning these loyalties and focus on building a life based on your values, not on arbitrary allegiances.

The True Cost of Spectatorship

Ever thought about the true cost of being a spectator?

Every hour you spend watching others live their lives is an hour you're not investing in your own growth, skills, or dreams.

It's time you are never getting back.

Let's be real. Every time you're glued to a screen, cheering for someone else's achievements, you're missing out on your own.

That hour could be spent learning a new skill, working on a personal project, or simply doing something that makes you genuinely happy.

My problem with small talk.

Small talk is a symptom of this spectatorship culture. And I absolutely fucking hate it.

When your mind is filled with useless of others' lives, your conversations naturally become equally uninteresting. Discussing last night's game or the latest episode of a reality show is surface-level.

It doesn't challenge you.

It doesn't inspire you.

It certainly doesn’t push you forward.

When you fill your mind with shallow interests, you end up having shallow conversations.

Small talk might be a social lubricant, but it keeps interactions safe and predictable, ultimately making them meaningless.

Talk about ideas, not events.

Discuss personal growth, not celebrity scandals.

When you engage in deeper conversations, you form stronger connections and stimulate your mind in ways that small talk never will.

Plus, the quality of your conversations directly affects the quality of your relationships.

Life is too short to spend it watching others live theirs. Engage with your own life. Pursue your own goals. Have meaningful conversations. Authentic living isn't about fitting in or following the crowd—it's about finding and following your own path.

Start questioning these distractions. Focus on building a life based on your values, not on arbitrary allegiances.

I’ll leave you with this:

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”

Albert Einstein

Thank you for listening to my rant.

Strategizingly yours,


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